Right now I am sitting in the library at doe bay resort, the cafe is upstairs and The Subcons (R's Band) are upstairs playing. T and I came down around an hour ago because we wanted to hear them play and be in a quite setting. She fell asleep the minute we came down here. It has been a wonderful day, we hiked up a mountain (not that far) we went for a dip in the pool, we sat in the bench overlooking the most amazing view while she napped and I read. I am sad to say we leave tomorrow. Last night we listened to the band play in the yoga studio for mostly friends...we had the mustache contest, R won!!! Yay I get to keep my teeshirt =) It was a fun fashion show of facial hair...everyone's was amazing! or

rather as amazing as mustaches can be. I have been so busy lately with moving and packing for this trip.. and the next trip (leave in 3 days) I havent had time to post the band's shirts that I printed. Here they are, the drawing is from an old arkansas map that had these men standing with shot guns. R and I transformed them to guitars and they took on the characters that make up The Subcons! I have plenty so if you find yourself just really wanting one of these beauties they are 15 dollas...please feel free to ask! I will post more of our trip when I can...this is the first time I have used the wifi here, and there is not very good service (makes for a more peaceful vacations)
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