I also finished a smock dress (obviously didn't iron it
and a surprise project that you can take just a peek at. I'm finishing a lot of things for etsy and hope that I can post all the things shortly. I am having a lot of fun creating everything, and hope I can keep up the momentum.
We have been having just a bit of bad luck today....not really bad luck but just frustration with things that should only take 15 mins but instead take about 5 hours!! Like the itunes not installing correctly and day 2 of R figuring it out he had to call apple support. You know something has gone wrong when he calls for support, seriously the man knows everything about computers...or almost as much as one of my fav. cousins in law does. The other thing was threading a drawsting (part of that secret project) through the waist... it is still sitting there. I have had to seam rip areas to get the safety pin through, and it's just annoying.
Anyhoo... I had a fun day, and I hope you did too.
also I believe it is my friend KJ's birthday, Happy Birthday!!
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